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The Purpose of Life

Mashhoor M. AlSuhaibi

Why are we here?

Who brought us here?

Is it logically acceptable that we are a product of a blind coincidence?

Can coincidence really produce this intriguingly organized correlated complexity?

What's after death?

Where do we go?

Science with its intriguing advancement can never answer these perplexing questions. Science attempts to understand how things operate but can never explain why they operate!

Can this life really be without a purpose?

If life has no purpose then literally to live a life like Hitler or the most humane person lived the earth makes no difference!

These perplexing questions no one have answers for but the one who brought this universe to existence and only Him can convey to us the purpose of life.

When we look around we see everything has a purpose starting from trivial matters such as the needle to the button to the rocket.

If someone sees a button for the first time and asks what is this? And the manufacturer comes and explains what the button is, what it does and the purpose of making it. You would appreciate having it and display gratitude to the one invented it; especially, if it serves some of your interest.

On the other hand, when we look to one of the multitude of the more sophisticated, yet, insentient (unintelligent) creature, we get startled by its biological synthesis, its performed functionalities and the purpose it serves. Moreover, how this creature's organs are integrated in an immensely sophisticated and complementary manner. Conveying to us a fascinating story of its survival, means of sustenance, procreation, its community and the duties it carries. One tiny example is the ant; believe it or not there are 12,000 species of them?!

Logically speaking, if an inanimate button entails purpose and a cause, who is a wise, knowledgeable and able manufacturer, then certainly this insentient creature axiomatically entails a greater purpose and a wiser, more knowledgeable and able Creator.

And if this is the case with a single insentient creature then what about us the homo sapient (intelligent) creatures of this planet, who have intellect, bound to moral measures and subscribe to reform and construction of the planet?

A denier of purpose will never rest in peace with all these perplexing questions unanswered and as long as he is disconnected from his Creator, he will never attain tranquility.

Allāh, the Exalted, said: (And We did not create the heavens and earth and that between them in play. (39) We did not create them except in truth, but most of them do not know.) (Noble Qur'ān 44:38-39)

Allāh has explicitly conveyed His message to mankind, which was carried by His final Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Muslims find the answer for the above questions in Islām, which are logical, satisfactory and congruent to the innate expectations. This is why Muslims enjoy living in serenity and satisfaction despite the occasional trials and calamities they may be inflicted with throughout their life.

Allāh, the Exalted, said: (Then did you think that We created you uselessly (i.e. without purpose) and that to Us you would not be returned?") (Noble Qur'ān 23:115)

Islām is a comprehensive way of life, which satisfies man's spiritual and materialistic demands. It doesn't favor one over the other but rather offers a substantially balanced stance.

What attracts people most to Islām is its basic tenets, which are simple and straight forward.

1. We find the concept of God categorically unequivocal; God is one, who neither has partners nor a son. He is to be worshiped alone and directly without partners or mediators. Practically, Islām is the only religion which holds monotheism as a fundamental precept unlike other faiths, which utterly violated this concept.

2. Prophethood is God's mean to convey His injunctions to mankind and Muhammad (pbuh) is His last messenger among a series of Prophets, who were sent to mankind through time; such as Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon and s Jesus (peace be upon them all). God supported His messengers with multitude of evidence to proof that they are the bearers of His message to mankind. God revealed to Muhammad His final revelation and ordained the abrogation of previous legislation carried by previous Prophets (peace be upon them all).

3. The Qur'ān is God's spoken statement to mankind, which is preserved verbatim as it was revealed to Muhammad (pbuh) in the exact same language that today's Arabs speak. The Qur'ān comprises God's constitution to mankind, which regulates their spiritual relation with God through acts of worship and their relation with each other and the surroundings socially, morally, economically, politically, civilly and judicially.

4. Reckoning and life after death is logical and an innate necessity. Every person shall be held accountable for his conducts in this life and receive the deserved retribution. This life is transient and meant to be full with trials but the hereafter is free from all that rather it is an eternal bliss in paradise, which every sane person should fervently and seriously work for by complying with God's revealed injunctions.

My sincere recommendation to you is to take a translation of the Qur'ān in your language and read it for yourself, but before that find a secluded place and raise your hand with humility and ask the Creator of the heavens and earth for guidance and be sincere and persistent in your supplication to Him and trust me Allāh the All-Merciful and All-Loving will never turn you back.

Allāh, the Exalted, said: (And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided.) (Noble Qur'ān 2:186)

I ask Allāh to open my heart and yours to the truth and guide us both to his pleasing path.


The Noble Qur'ān in English:

The Noble Qur'ān PDF:

The following links presents more material and insight to the topic for the truth seekers:

God's existence proofs (answers to Problem of evil, Divine will):

The comprehensiveness of Islām and proofs of Prophethood:

Rights in Islām (Parents, Spouse, children, neighbors, non-Muslims and Animals)

This is a concise book to help you understand the Islāmic creed:

Kindly, visit this site for further inquiries and more help. They have a life chat:



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