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Do You Know Your Role?

Mashhoor M. AlSuhaibi

When you are hired for a job in a decent company that you were looking forward to; and you walk in through the door of your direct manager office; the first thing you are given or told is your role in that company and the regulations that you must maintain. And if he neglects mentioning them to you, you will not feel comfortable until he does.

So, can you dare to carry on your work while ignoring these roles and regulations?

Or can you dare to do tasks, which are not assigned to you?

Will you be comfortable exerting rebellion against these assigned roles and regulations?

I assume your apparent respond to all these questions is No.

By the grace of Allāh, you’ve started your work and gradually built a pleasing reputation; will you allow anyone to ruin this reputation or disturb you from conducting your duties in a suitable and appreciated manner?

How would you react in the following scenarios?

You are at work and your friends call you to join them for a cup of coffee, go out for a picnic or practice some sports with them.

Your spouse calls you to come home; for she has prepared your most delicious dish and you must come now to have it with her!

You are at work and you received a call from someone offering you a bribe to cheat in your work, and there is a slight risk in losing your job!

While getting ready to enter your company, you saw this beautiful lady and she invited you to have coffee with her; and you are almost on time to work and you know your company is so strict about coming late. Are you going to respond to this gorgeous lady's invitation or job is first?

Tell me: Can you dare to leave the work environment, ignore your duties, break the regulations and go out to enjoy yourself and accept all these offers?

Again, I’ll assume your answer would be: Certainly not!

In fact, in many cases you will give up your leisure times to fulfill these duties. You may even work after hour for free to guarantee delivering your assignments in the most perfect manner.

Well, if I told you: like you have walked into that decent company with duties and regulations handed to you by your employer and you were so loyal to them; similarly and more importantly, you have walked into this life with roles and regulations given to you by your Creator, the Exalted, so are you going to display a similar loyalty to them.

Which one is worth giving more attention and respect to, your Creator’s regulations or the ones presented by your employer?!

Bear in mind, if you disobey your employer, the worst thing that may happen to you is to lose your job; and still you may find another one.

But if you disobey your Creator (the Lord of heavens and earth), you may lose this life and the Hereafter.

Allāh, the Exalted, said: (Then did you think that We created you uselessly -without a purpose- and that to Us you would not be returned?) (The Noble Qur’ān 23:115)

Many temptations come to distract us while being in our working environments and we do not fall a prey for.


Because we don’t want to risk losing our jobs.

But -sadly- when it comes to Allāh’s regulations, we tend to be easily lured by the slightest temptations that approach us, and we break Allāh’s regulations without hesitance. As if Allāh’s love, reverence and eternal paradise are not more precious to us than our jobs.

Allāh, the Exalted, said: (What is [the matter] with you that you do not attribute to Allāh [due] grandeur)?) (The Noble Qur’ān 71:13)

We really need to wake up from this deep slumber, recover from this heedlessness and prioritize our life affairs properly.

Allāh, the Exalted, said: (They have not appraised Allāh with true appraisal, while the earth entirely will be [within] His grip on the Day of Resurrection, and the heavens will be folded in His right hand. Exalted is He and high above what they associate with Him.) (The Noble Qur’ān 39:67)

This life is transient and the true life, which we ought to present a greater care to, is the eternal one.

I hope we have realized our role by now.

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