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Be Frank, is Pleasing Allāh Really a Priority in Your life?

Mashhoor M. AlSuhaibi

Human, by nature, axiomatically prioritize matters of interest for the betterment of their life. Nevertheless, we need to pay attention to what influences the sequence of these preferences.

Let us examine our behavior and analyze our stances through the following incidents.

Islām was introduced to a non-Muslim lady, who admitted that Islām is unequivocally logical and innately compliant. Despite this conviction, unfortunately, she did not accept Islām and gave up her certitude in Islām, because she was a lesbian and she wasn't willing to compromise that for anything. Although the propagators focused merely on Islām's fundamental precepts without stressing the issue of homosexuality, still she asked for time to rethink.

What is our assessment of this incident and what lessons can we elicit?

Answer: Sadly, whims and desires are given precedence over our convictions, beliefs and servitude to Allāh despite comprehending the significance of complying with His injunctions.

Frankly, some Muslims behave in a similar manner and tend to give up their duties toward Allāh for desires or sins of a lesser nature than the aforementioned one!

Some Muslims when put in a situation where they have to choose between obeying Allāh or their whims and desires they give preference to the latter.

The Maghrib adhaan (call for prayer) is called and the prayer iqaamah (call for commencing prayer) is almost due and we are still watching YouTube clips; playing video games; browsing the internet; chatting with friends over social media platforms; or preoccupied with jobs or businesses. Some go to an extreme and delay prayer until few minutes prior to commencing call for next prayer, while for some prayer is not even part of their daily agenda!

We need to be aware that just holding a thought of bargaining between obeying Allāh or continuing our pleasure puts our connection with Allāh SWT at stake.

It becomes even worse when we allow unlawful activities to hold us from praying on time or fulfilling our duties toward Allāh SWT.

When our servitude to Allāh SWT becomes the least significant in our priorities list, it becomes evident how nominal our knowledge of Allāh SWT is, which is a serious indicator of how fragile and weak our relation with the One who caused our existence and owned paradise and hellfire.

Allāh, the Glorified and Exalted, said: (They have not appraised Allāh with true appraisal, while the earth entirely will be [within] His grip on the Day of Resurrection, and the heavens will be folded in His right hand. Exalted is He and high above what they associate with Him.) (Noble Qurān 39:67)

And for those who put their whims and desires before Allāh and His instructions, Allāh SWT described them by saying: (Have you seen he who has taken as his god his [own] desire, and Allāh has sent him astray due to knowledge and has set a seal upon his hearing and his heart and put over his vision a veil? So who will guide him after Allāh? Then will you not be reminded?) (Noble Qurān 45:23)

Let me present to you this real incident, where a person was extremely engrossed in an activity and not only had he given up prayer but also his entire belief.

Few decades back, when life was less sophisticated with fewer means of enticement, people were following the final Football World Cup Tournament over TV and it was a practice when prayer time was due the TV station would pause any show or program in order to broadcast the adhaan (call for prayer). It happened when the game was in its last few minutes and everyone was holding his breath the TV station ceased broadcasting the game to broadcast the adhaan. Consequently, a man, who was following the game, stood up furiously and unconsciously started cursing the adhaan!!

Well, this is the expected consequence when not being attentive of our servitude to Allāh and not displaying the due grandeur and glorification to Him and His rites SWT.

To avoid falling into committing a similar abomination, it is incumbent upon us to consolidate our certitude in Allāh SWT. Muslims must put time to know Allāh better through learning the meaning of His names and attributes, pondering on His intriguing creation and recognizing His enormous innumerable favors bestowed upon us.

Moreover, it is time for us to reexamine our priorities; understand better the purpose of our existence; and realize that Allāh will always be before everything in our life. He SWT is before our families, wealth, jobs and everything that we desire. We should never compromise our servitude to Him SWT for anything.

Allāh, the Exalted, said: (And of the people is he who would sell himself, seeking the pleasure of Allāh. And Allāh is full of kindness to [His] servants.) (Noble Qurān 2:32)

May Allāh increase our knowledge of Him and make it bring us closer to Him SWT.


A suggested read to download to help you know Allāh SWT better:

Who is Allāh?, by Um Abdur-Rahman Sakina



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