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Can Living Creatures Exist without Spouse? (5)

Mashhoor M. AlSuhaibi

Atheists claim that the first cell came to existence through coincidence and that coincidence continued to work on that cell until eventually multitudes and diversities of creatures stemmed from this single cell!

Can you believe, according to atheists' claim, that the world of germs, bacteria, plants, trees, flowers, insects, sea animals, fish, animals, birds and humans are all coincidental products of that single cell!

Let us logically examine this atheistic claim and take one creature as an example to display how impossible for this to be logically and practically true.

Ask an atheist: Who came first the chicken or the egg?

If he says: The egg came first.

Ask him: "Who took care of that first egg until it hatched?"

Scientifically, the chicken's egg takes 21 days to hatch; the hen must turn the egg 3-4 times a day but not the last 3 days in order for that egg to hatch a living chick, otherwise the chick will die and the chicken race will cease to exist!

If he retracts and says: The chicken came first.

Ask him: How long did that chicken had to wait in order for coincidence to cause a rooster to exist? A chicken without a rooster or a rooster without a chicken will cease to reproduce an egg. If a chicken and a rooster failed to simultaneously exist, we will never have the chicken race!

Logically, most of the living creatures must have spouse in order to reproduce and have their offspring last. Hence, coincidence must simultaneously cause a male and a female of every race in order for all creatures to continue existing! If coincidence fails to do so, we and every living creature will cease to exist!

Science until today has failed to present scientific evidence to prove that this multitude of diverse creatures and organisms are products of blind coincidence.

Science has similarly failed to present any proof for macroevolution amongst species. Macroevolution is the transformation of a creature from one species to another. For example, a land animal transforming to a flying bird; a sea animal transforming to a land animal; or what the Darwinists claim that we humans and apes have evolved from a common ancestor!

Be aware, evolutionists, cunningly, use microevolution as an argument to trick people to accept their claim of macroevolution. An example of microevolution is when a bird, over an immensely long period of time, develops a new quality or characteristic such as a longer bill to ease its eating mechanism (of course, to us, this happens by the will of Allah). Another example, observed in Europe during the industrial revolution, white moth changed its color over time to a dark color due to a change in its habitat, which was impacted by the industrial pollution, in order to camouflage itself from predators. All these are examples for evolution within the same species but not transformation from one species to another.

In conclusion, logically all this fascinating creation can never be caused but by an All-Wise, Omniscient and Omnipotent Creator, who had displayed for us enough evidences of His existence.

Allāh, the Exalted, said: (Who is He the one who begins creation and then brings it back again (i.e. after it perishes) and who provides for you from the heaven and earth? Is there a deity with Allāh? Say, "Present your proof, if you should be truthful.) (Noble Qur'ān 27:64)


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