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Science and Common Sense Demolish Atheism

Mashhoor M. AlSuhaibi

Many atheists believe that it is logical and scientific to deny God's existence. Well let me present to you some logical arguments, which proof that they are absolutely mistaken; and that it is totally illogical and unscientific to deny the existence of the All-Wise, the All-Knowing and the Omnipotent Supreme Creator.

A big debate took place in the early days of Islām between a very prominent Muslim scholar called Abu Hanifah (RA), who died in the year 150 A.H; and a group of Indian philosophers called Assumaniah, who believed only in what their five senses perceive.

This debate took place almost 1300 years ago in the city of Alkufah, which is close to Baghdad, this days capital city of Iraq. They agreed with Abu Hanifah to meet in a specific place; and when they arrived Abu Hanifah was late.

Later on when he arrived, they said to him: why are you late?!

He replied: well, I was on the other side of the river and I couldn't find a mean to get to you people; then I saw few logs floating on the river and all the sudden and on their own they were cut into fine equal rectangular pieces, joined together by nails- on their own - and formed a boat - on their own. So I took that boat and I came to you.

They looked at him astonished and said: you must be out of your mind! This can never happen!

He said: well, you came here to debate with me on an issue which is much bigger and more amazing than what I've just told you!!

You came to argue with me that this entire gigantic universe with its stars, sun, moon, earth and all the diverse multitude existing creation came on their own! So who is more out of his mind, is it me or you?!

And they were absolutely startled and had nothing more to say.

Let me move to a very simple example from reality, and please use common sense and be a fair judge. If you walk in a desert and you find an HB, yellow and black striped, sharpened from one side pencil with a red eraser on the other side.

Will any wise person dare to claim that this pencil, through time, hundreds, thousands or even millions of years, formed on its own?!

What is the chance of that happening?

Note it's only a pencil which is very simple in its manufacturing compared to many other more complicated things.

It's only a carved wood; with a tiny long cylindrical channel inside it; filled with graphite; painted with colors; with few words engraved on the side; and a metallic ring on top of it to hold the red well shaped eraser. As simple as that!!

Well, What if we find dozens of similar pencils around; what would be the chance now?

Notice I did not state in my example a sophisticated computer, a 4G smart device mobile, a fully computerized car, train, airplane or many other sophisticated man made items.

I leave this for your rational, and please be realistic.

Not because science was able to reveal how things operate in a very detailed surprising manner, make us conclude that everything came on its own.

For instance, to know how a computer works, that does not mean in any way that it came on its own; and let us not forget that this computer is assembled with high precision and has sophisticated operating system and applications which are cleverly coded.

Can all this happen, on its own, without a designer’s and a manufacturer’s intervention?!

Now let us look to an example from the living things world. Take the human’s cell and see how great the complex functionality of this microscopic individual cell is, which is a miniature for a state of the art factory, yet so perfect and so precise in performance.

In fact the entire pencil factory looks so modest compared to the single’s cell correlated functionalities.

After all that, do we dare to claim that the cell, which is way too complex compared to the most sophisticated factory, came on its own?!

In fact no supper giant network of computers can compete with the high precision of this infinitesimally small cell.

This single cell carries the blueprint of the entire human body. Within the cell nucleus we find chromosomes, which are made up of coiled DNA. Scientists say if the DNA in this single cell were extended and lined up it would be almost 2 meters long. The human body consists of 100 thousand billions of cells. Can you imagine what would be the length of the DNA of these cells if all were lined up together? Take a really wild guess.

It's the distance from here to the sun! Not just once but more than 1300 times that distance! And note the distance from here to the sun is almost 150 million kilometers.

Science says that one gram of DNA can hold information carried by 1 billion billion CDs (i.e. 1 followed by 18 zeros).

This is how DNA is immensely so efficient data storage, where nothing is compared to.

Yet “If just one CD falls from outer space, carrying genetic information, everyone will be 100% firm that there is an Intelligent being outside our planet; but when we find this exact information in the DNA the Darwinist insist that it's randomness and coincidence!!” George Johnson in his book “Did Darwin Get it Right?”

Also a tantamount to a pin head of DNA can hold information carried by books piled up from here to the moon and five hundred times that distance! Note the distance to the moon is almost 380,000 kilometers.

This is just a single example for one of the multitude microscopic world creatures; let alone this vast humongous universe, with all its complex creation, yet perfected, correlated and organized to an optimum.

I leave you to reflect up on all that.

Allāh, the Exalted and Glorified, said: “Were they created by nothing? or were they themselves the creators? (35) Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Nay, but they have no firm Belief. (36)” (At-Toor Ch.52)

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